Oddflower was a multimedia story project that documented the women who never fit in. The project featured a book of short stories, a photo essay and a series of short films that gave Black women—from Chicago to South Africa—the opportunity to share their story of growing up as the misfit. I conceptualized, produced and directed the series, and also edited the short story collection, sold locally in Baltimore and online.

An Introduction to the Oddflower Project
Oddflower celebrated the creative women who once felt like outsiders in society. Launched in 2014, the short story series highlighted radical, powerhouse influencers who expressed themselves through music, art, film, and fashion.
From the comic book nerd to the punk guitarist, the country music fanatic to the counterculture fashionista, Oddflower celebrated our eccentricities, our beauty, and our quirky creativity. A story project. For the misfits.
Short Story Collection
Preview Oddflower Issue #1, a collection of short stories written by six women from around the world. In each personal essay, the writer shares her experience growing up as the black girl who never fit in. The complete short story collection (23 pages. Full Color. Silk cover. 6.25"x8") was sold online, and at Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse, and Normals Bookstore in Baltimore.